Rayband Paints

Construction Chemicals


Tiles Adhesive (Grey/White)

Rayband’s Tiles Adhesive is a blended polymer-modified cement-based powder tile adhesive. It forms a waterproof barrier between two surfaces and has excellent strength and bonding properties. Ideal for tile-on-tile application. Fixing all kinds of tiles on floor and vitrified, large format ceramic tiles on walls.

Packing – 40 kg, 20 kg & 1 kg


P.W.P 2000 (Waterproofing Acrylic)

Rayband’s P.W.P 2000 is an elastomeric liquid applied water proofing membrane. It is formulated with select elastomeric and resilient acrylic polymers. Upon curing it forms a thick, seemless and durable membrane which offers excellent water proofing qualities.

Packing – 20 ℓ, 5 ℓ, 3 ℓ, 1 ℓ, 500 mℓ & 200 mℓ

Damp-Stop Elastometric Finish

Damp-Stop Elastometric Finish

Damp Stop is a glass fiber reinforced elastomeric emulsion applied waterproofing membrane. Damp stop upon curing forms a thick, seamless, durable membrane hence providing ultimate waterproofing to the structure. It is formulated to ensure deep penetration and sealing of porous surfaces.

Packing – 20 ℓ, 10 ℓ, 4 ℓ, 1 ℓ & 500 mℓ